BizLife Digest
Yes, you can make $150k+ serving clients 1-1!
So much focus on hourly rate, raising fees, leveraging groups, scalability and more. Don’t forget about 1-1 service!
Who Needs YOU Today?
By serving your clients, you are making a positive impact on thousands of people. It’s a simple math equation that goes something like this…
What’s so special about 6% as it relates to speaking?
We keep saying you can generate $100k from speaking alone, in this article we reveal 1 of the 7 steps that will help you do just that!
One Simple Marketing Strategy to hit $100k+!
If we told you there was 1 thing you could do to make $100k + would you do it...? Keep reading to see what it is and why its our favorite marketing strategy!
Master the Sales Process in an Ethical & Dignified Way!
Close more sales with INTEGRITY, DIGNITY, and GRACE!
Let's keep “marketing” SIMPLE!
Want to simplify your marketing? You only need FOUR marketing strategies. Yes, it’s true.
So many solos (especially coaches) still struggle with this…
We were recently reminded how many solos in general, and coaches in particular, struggle with selecting their specific target market & niche.
Balance your marketing with both long term and short term strategies
What’s the “right” marketing strategy for your business? We dive into short and long-term strategies and much more so that you can build a well-rounded marketing system for your business.
How to earn $120k per year by speaking for free!
Do you like speaking, training, giving informal talks? Did you know you could be earning great money and serving lots of people doing this?
We All Gotta Get Paid!
Once you’ve “booked” the business, what is the best method for your clients to pay you? Consider your cash flow needs and your clients' needs to find the right method for your business.