How to earn $120k per year by speaking for free!

Speaking Graphic

We shared this “game changing” nugget with you 3 weeks ago:

When you tie each of your marketing strategies to a specific, solid, financial target, it’s a game changer for your business!

Since we received several nice comments, we thought we’d continue with an example of our favorite marketing strategy: Speaking Engagements

When you give free talks with tremendous value and offer a complimentary consultation, you ATTRACT clients that WANT to work with you!

Here is your financial target formula for $120,000:

For an audience of 35 people, your target should be to secure two new clients. If your average revenue per client is $5k, this is $10k in new client revenue per talk. Twelve talks in a year is $120,000!

Not bad, especially if you like speaking in any form and want to serve more people whether they buy from you or not! 😊

When you apply proper execution to your favorite marketing strategies, add real financial targets, and commit to improving until you hit them, it's amazing what you can do!


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