Coaching Business for Life TM

Create, grow, and sustain your business

to empower your life...Forever!


Do you want a Coaching Business for Life? 

  • Make an impact but not be a slave to your business
  • Earn your value, not strive to make a gazillion dollars
  • Keep things simple and not stress about sales & marketing
  • Work from anywhere and not be tethered to the office
  • Love your work but also pursue and enjoy life's pleasures
  • Not spend a lot of money or build a big team
  • Feel attractive, confident, and powerful in sales & marketing

Specifically, a CBfL looks like this:

  • Generates about $180,000 per year in revenue ($126k net) *
  • Fueled by a "lean and mean" team of you, a great assistant, and Independent Contractors as needed
  • "Requires" about 32 hours/week of focused work 
  • Affords you 6 weeks off per year
  • Unburdens you from overwhelm, fear, and doubt
  • Inspires you to "live your bucket list life"
Let Me Help You Get There

Does this sound like your "typical day?" 

Perhaps not all of it all the time.  But pretty close?

You wake up feeling positive and optimistic cuz that's who you are. 

But you're soon consumed with administrivia and are unclear about what you "should be doing."  

You hear that you're "supposed to have" a target market and niche, but you could coach anybody and you don't want to limit yourself.

You wonder if anyone really makes it as a coach.  It seems that the "coaches who coach coaches"are the only ones making money.  This feels creepy.

And they're bombarding you with irresistible offers, magic formulas, must-haves, and empty promises.

You're a good coach but you don't know business, sales, and marketing.  

You may even HATE sales especially because it's slimy, sleazy, needy, manipulative and requires you to be somebody your not.

You charge by the hour and have no clue if your prices are high, low, neither because you get conflicting messages from others.

You probably don't love social media, though you hear that's what you need to do.



You paid $10k or more on your coach training and don't want to pay more.

You maybe got burned with a "guru" already.  Paid 5-figures for a program and have little or nothing to show for it.

You have BSOS (Bright Shiny Object Syndrome!) and spend your time learning new things which feels good but you know it's not about learning more.

Feel overwhelmed because you're the business owner and have to do everything.

You want help but don't know where to begin and you can't afford a VA.

You didn't love your previous work, corporate America, but you're kind of lonely working from home alone and you miss the camaraderie and connection

The whole "money thing" intimidates you.  Setting your value, what to charge, how to quote your fees, ask for the business, etc.  Yuk.

You're not a slouch.  You feel busy, but you're not really getting anyway.  One step forward, two steps back kind of thing.  Or a hamster on a wheel.

We'd be a good fit. Let's talk today.
Rodger Blaker PCC - President Rodger Blaker Coaching

“Since I began following Michael’s process and advice, my average number of clients has DOUBLED from 12 to 24 per month and as a consequence, MY AVERAGE MONTHLY INCOME HAS DOUBLED. ”

President Rodger Blaker Coaching

"Tell me about your business."

If you're looking for a "pure" or "true" coach, I'm not your guy.  I'm first a business development TRAINER.


I specialize in coaching people just like you to grow their business through focused coaching. I start all of my interactions with one, simple phrase, "Tell me about your business." Nobody knows it better than you and I love hearing what you have to say as it gives me insight as to how to serve you best. 


If your interest is even a little bit piqued, it might be beneficial for you to take this assessment. (Click image on right to download)


This allows you to assess yourself across the critical success components of business. You may be surprised at what you find out!

Solo Self Assessment-1

Not sure? No problem. Let’s do a quick demo call where you share your business question and I’ll react in real time with my honest thoughts.

Tell me about your business


Here are just some of the many benefits you'll enjoy when you work with me

 Intake Assessment

Detailed 1:1 assessment for a strong start

Blueprint Session

Tying marketing strategies to financial goals

Marketing Strategy 

Trainings on any of the strategies from my curated list

Sales Training

Ethical and dignified sales training


One to one, small group and "Just In Time" sessions

Let's Do This!

I'm very upfront about my pricing so you don't have to wonder. Please see below.

Group Only:

$495* per month

* Bring a friend and split the fee

Group + Individual

$1,000* per month

* "Buddy Up" for $750 per month each!



PRAISE for Michael's Coaching!

Cindy Locher BCH - Founder, ChangeWorks Hypnosis Center

“I hired Michael years ago to be my business coach, and we've been friends since. He asks the right questions, listens, and challenges me in ways that I never thought of before. He helped evolve my mindset, marketing, sales, pricing and more.

Founder, ChangeWorks Hypnosis Center

Rina Mora - Visionary Life & Business Coach, Tiny But Mighty Coaching

“I hired Michael as my business development coach in 2020, then I re-upped with him again and again! Why? Because we are cranking in the growth of my business! Michael is so caring and knowledgeable. And just about every month I get multiple new 1-1 clients and I just filled my first group. I love his system so much I became a licensee!”

Visionary Life & Business Coach, Tiny But Mighty Coaching