So many solos (especially coaches) still struggle with this…

We hope you’re well and enjoying the final days of summer!
We were recently reminded how many solos in general, and coaches in particular, struggle with selecting their specific target market & niche.
And it’s not just beginners. Even experienced coaches could benefit from more powerful wording of the results & benefits their coaching can provide.
Here is a complementary training on this topic.
If you're newer/struggling with this, watch it ASAP as it affects everything you do in your business.
If you’re more seasoned, we bet it will help you explain what you do in a more attractive manner!
Grab “Getting Clear on Your Who, What, and How” NOW. (Hey, that rhymes! 😃)
P.S. In this free training, we also help you map out your “How” / Unique Service Methodology. Words cannot describe how incredibly important this is for your success.
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