BizLife Digest
How Do You Attract More Clients?
As you dive into action on your marketing strategies, don’t forget to engage the law of attraction.
Tie Marketing Strategies to Financial Targets
Tie each marketing strategy to a solid financial target and watch your business grow!
Do You Know Your Numbers?
Sometimes, it can be sobering to dive into the numbers and realize that your business isn’t performing at the level you had hoped.
One Simple Way your VA can Make you Better...
We recently asked our VA Rachel, to share with us how we can be better leaders and make her job easier...
What does Independence Day have to do with your business? A LOT!
Let's call to mind the most famous words from our Declaration of Independence...Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
We feel that these words can be especially apropos to you as a service-based solopreneur.
We feel that these words can be especially apropos to you as a service-based solopreneur.
What the heck are "AIR Conversations" and how can they benefit you?
AIR Conversations are a simple, yet incredibly powerful strategy for the growth and success of your business. And bonus...They're FUN! In this post we'll tell you how to get the most out of it!
Can We Become Indispensable for our Clients?
Last week we talked together about growing our businesses, even during these challenging economic times.
We shared that one way is for us to become indispensable for our clients by helping them achieve the results that they want.
We shared that one way is for us to become indispensable for our clients by helping them achieve the results that they want.
Five Ways to Grow your Business Even when Gas Prices Exceed $5 per Gallon...
One benefit of working from home is we aren't as effected at the pump as so many people.
Still, curbing losses in this economy can be hard enough, let alone maintaining, or God forbid, growing.
Still, curbing losses in this economy can be hard enough, let alone maintaining, or God forbid, growing.
The Greatest Coach in the World?
I am dedicated to continually improving my coaching skills in the area of business development for small business owners.
Would you help me?
Would you help me?
S&M is Not a Dirty Term!
Too many solopreneurs consider Sales & Marketing to be dirty somehow. If you're a conscious, caring, supportive solopreneur (as I know you are), I doubt you could be slimy or salesy with your marketing even if you tried.