Speak 4 Clients!
Deliver free talks to small audiences and earn an average of $7,276in new coaching fees per gig! 

* Average of 21 attendees; 15% consultation registration; 33% new client conversion; average revenue per client $7k!

S4C is a full on comprehensive Speaking training program

Thursday, August 22 - Saturday, August 24 2024


Thursday, September 12 - Saturday, September 14 2024

Thursday and Friday, 9AM to 5PM Saturday, 9AM to 12PM (All EST)

Note:  The timing is critical.  Program Chairs start to book for 2025 in October

This can LITERALLY make your entire 2025 a success!


In this 2+ Day Zoom WORKshop you will...

Find 50+ groups looking for speakers in your target market

Create your talk title and outline with far more ease by harnessing our methodology

Practice delivering the key parts of your talk!

Receive feedback from Michael and your fellow colleagues that will help you improve immediately!

Reach out to identified groups using our system and templates which virtually guarantee responses

Make YOUR OFFER in a professional, confident, attractive, ethical manner

Bonus: Learn our "Synergistic Sales Method™"   to Master the Discovery Session with grace, dignity and respect for your prospects!

Michael Circle (1)
Jean Papagni - Transformational Coach

“I had my first presentation and secured three paying clients and $4,000 from one talk! The power of speaking -- yeah, I get it now!”

Transformational Coach

Your program registration includes our 95-page workbook, including these templates, to reference forever! 

  • Outreach and follow-up emails to Associations
  • Speaking contracts to customize for your business
  • The outline of my talk that generated $43,000.  We show you how to copy as a model!
  • Word-for-word script to make your offer (Don't worry, you're not even selling anything!)
  • Post-talk steps to continue to serve and secure clients
  • Also included: Specific, proven methods to increase attendance

Speaking Graphic (1)

LeeAnn Marie Webster - Email with H.E.A.R.T

“HOLY SMOKES, you’ve covered everything that we need to grow our businesses through speaking!
The value of the "self study" alone is worth the investment of the entire course!”

Email with H.E.A.R.T

Speak 4 Clients™ Full Curriculum:

  • Defining Six Types of Presentations
  • What Types of Groups Are Looking for Speakers
  • Free and Fee, the Pros and Cons of Each
  • Pros & Cons of Virtual and In-Person 
  • Finding the Groups that Fit Your Niche
  • Pitching Your Talk to Groups
  • Your PR Package
  • Confirming the Engagement
  • Speaking Contracts
  • By the Numbers - How the clients and revenue shake-out
  • Your Title
  • Your Outline Parts 1 & 2
  • Creating Your Talk
  • Writing Your Talk
  • Filling the Room
  • Working the Room
  • How to Deliver to Secure New Clients!
  • Selling from the Podium - The Consultation
  • Selling from the Podium - Products & Services
  • Selling from the Podium - Your Newsletter, Blog, or Podcast
  • Selling from the Podium - Future Gig Referrals
  • Post-Talk Responsibilities
  • Recording Your Talks
  • Your "Speaking Package"

Why Michael, why THIS program?



Please Note...

We create a loving, supportive environment "with an EDGE." 

We give you constructive feedback and challenge you to step into your greatness. 

When you do, this ONE marketing strategy will change your life!

Rina Mora - Tiny But Might Coaching

“Michael taught me so well that I did a 10-minute talk to my BNI group and secured 4 new clients and $9,000 from this one talk! ”

Tiny But Might Coaching


Speak 4 Clients™ Program Dates:

Thursday, June 20th - Saturday, June 22nd**

Thursday and Friday, 9AM to 5PM

Saturday, 9AM to 12PM (All EST)

 **Note:  You will need to complete 5-10 hours of prep work in advance so we can hit the ground running!



One payment of $1,900 3 payments of $750


If you don't earn your investment back by your third talk, we will refund your money.

(But don't worry, YOU WILL!)